
Click if you love animals…

A click a day. That’s all it takes. Each time I click, I am helping to provide food and care to rescued animals living in shelters and sanctuaries. Animals that have been abused, neglected and forgotten. The stories you don’t want to hear about.
Because of The Animal Rescue Site, a non profit organization, animals are being given a second chance. Every time you click, bowls of food are paid for by The Animal Rescue Site’s sponsors. And it’s free to click. Stop by daily and do what’s right….help an animal in need.
All my cats you see to the left of this screen have been adopted from shelters. The little guy Marky looking up at us was literally rescued from living outside in a storm drain in front of my friend’s driveway. Have a care. Give a click.


1 thought on “Click if you love animals…”

  1. I’m clicking, I’m clicking! What a nice thing to do and a great way to get some much needed support for your four legged friends! Way to go…Susan


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