
An Easter walk with Lilly

Lilly and I went out for an afternoon walk on this Easter Sunday. The sky was so blue, the weather perfect and we saw the trees budding, waking up from a long, cold winter snooze. Lilly had fun sniffing everything along our way and I enjoyed snapping some photos of some of the interesting things we see along our route.

Last night I was reading chapter 4 from Taking Flight, the Kelly Rae Roberts book. In that chapter she suggests we take our camera with us wherever we go for a week and snap photos of everyday things. The idea is to catch the beauty in common things, and sometimes we’ll be surprised when we find a heart shaped rock, or other natural elements that take on heart shapes. It’s as if the universe is sending out messages through everyday objects. I went with that hope of finding hearts, and I didn’t see anything, but I was very taken with the tree branches. I love how they resemble something living reaching its arms up to the sky, seeming to reach for something we cannot see. I love how sweet the little birds nests look nestled in the crooks of the branches. I also noticed shadows more and I am becoming a big fan of them. They are very interesting and mysterious.

Happy Easter day!

Take a walk yourself and see the world around you. Notice the little things and capture them on camera. It’s amazing to me the detail I found. It was difficult seeing the photos I took because of the sun glare on my viewfinder, but I came home, downloaded my photos and was pleasantly surprised. What beautiful things to witness on an Easter day. It helps solidify there just might be something greater than us out there.

Click on each photo to enlarge, if you like.

Just behind our house (ours is the white one on the corner), we have a pond and a prairie preserve which has lots of wild life. See our weeping willow? It’s blooming!

Craggy trees along the walking path that seem to be still asleep.

Here is the creek that runs behind our house.

I zoomed in on a grey weinmerainer who was watching his owners play baseball. I think the chain link gives the photo an interesting texture.

The dance of the craggy trees.

The red maple on my corner has buds.

Beautiful tree shadows cast life onto the ground.

A bird’s nest snuggled safely in the crook of the tree’s branches.

We spied a robin and zoomed in on him.

A bird’s nest in a red maple tree

Linear shadows

My reflection in the subdivision sign

Beautiful pine boughs with cones

The weeping willow in our back yard

My shadows

Lilly’s shadows

I couldn’t resist-a red hydrant and a dog, however, Lilly didn’t appreciate it’s benefits very much since she’s a female.

4 thoughts on “An Easter walk with Lilly”

  1. What beautiful photos. You’ll have to show us a picture of your weeping willow later in the summer. I bet it’s beautiful!



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